
Protect Your Car’s Paint From Getting Damaged With Paint Protection Film

Alta Mere Plano What is Paint Protection Film featured image

Now you Can Protect Your Car’s Paint From Getting Damaged With Paint Protection Film Paint Protection Film for cars, like the name suggests, is a film that protects your car’s paint from getting damaged. It is a simple and inexpensive way to protect your investment and prolong the life of your vehicle. As with any […]

Why You Need Window Tint in Texas

Alta Mere Plano Red Truck Tint

Window tinting is a common practice for cars, but did you know that window tinting can be a great idea for your car? Texas is a very popular place for car window tinting because of all the sunshine! Here are reasons why you need window tint in Texas. Reduce Laze Spots: The sun causes a […]

What is Paint Protection Film?

Alta Mere Plano What is Paint Protection Film featured image

What is Paint Protection Film Anyway? Paint protection film is also known as clear bra, vinyl, or polyurethane and is used to protect your car’s paint from scratches, chipping, peeling and even dirt and dust coming off from under it. It’s a thick sticky substance that comes in sheets and comes in several colors. It […]

Why is Ceramic Window Tint Good For Cars?

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Want to Know Why is Ceramic Window Tint Good For Cars? Why is ceramic window tint good for cars? For one thing, we offer some of the most durable window tint available. It can withstand high temperatures and ultraviolet rays and still maintain the color of the tint. you can select from some of the […]

How Can Window Tint Keep My Car Safe?

Alta Mere Plano How Can Window Tint Keep My Car Safe featured image

How Can Window Tint Keep My Car Safe? Window tinting is a great way to improve the aesthetics of your vehicle and protect it from the elements. Tinting films come in different thicknesses to suit your needs and are relatively inexpensive when compared with the cost of replacing car windows. Glare and sunlight are the […]

Ceramic Automotive Window Tint For My Car

ALtra Mere Ceramic Tint Feature

“If you’re looking for the best Ceramic Window Tint in Plano, Texas then look no further than Alta Mere Plano.” proclaimed one local auto store owner. “We offer the best Ceramic Window Tint in Plano for your vehicle. The windows and glass at our shop are the best in the industry.” Several local auto shop […]

How to Protect My Car’s Paint Job

Alta Mere Plano Gallery Image 9

If you have been thinking about restoring or maintaining your car’s paint job, you’ve undoubtedly asked yourself this question,” how do I best protect my car’s paint job?” This is one of the most important steps when doing any type of car detailing because the paint on your car is what makes it look the […]

Tips about getting ceramic auto window tint for your car

Alta Mere Plano Yellow Corvette

Have you ever thought about getting ceramic auto window tint for your car? Automotive window tint is a great way to reduce the glare of the sun on the driver’s visibility. When it comes to privacy, there is no better solution than car window tint. By applying window tint film to the glass in the […]

What is clear bra paint protection for my car

Alta Mere Plano What is clear bra paint protection for my car featured image

Why You Want to Look Into Clear Bra Paint Protection for Your Car   No matter what type of vehicle you drive, you’ll want to get a clear bra paint protection for your car. These helpful devices have become standard dream come true for passenger vehicles. They are designed to be installed in any vehicle over […]