
Why Is Ceramic Window Tint So Cool?

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This Is Why Ceramic Window Tint Is So Cool   Automotive window film has been around for decades. It’s existed for so long because it works. It works because it’s simple, extremely durable, and also affordable. Automotive window film has several advantages over other window technologies. Here are five great reasons why automotive window film […]

Tips to Keep Your Car Looking Great

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Take Care of Your Ride With These Tips to Keep Your Car Looking Great When you are looking for car tips for the best looking car, there are a few things you can do. You can either get your windows tinted or cover your car with vinyl to keep out the heat of the sun. […]

How To Protect My Car Finish In a Harsh Winter

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How Can I Protect My Car Finish In a Harsh Winter Like We Just Experienced? Winter is upon us and people all over the country are realizing the need for protecting their car. Cars are always at risk of damage due to severe weather conditions, but the threat is even greater during the winter months. […]

What Are The Automotive Tint Laws In Texas?

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In Texas, any professionally installed auto glass window tinting is required by law to be done by a qualified installed and meet certain criteria. There are many companies in the state that will  install the film if you decide to have it done. The reason why you should hire a professional like Alta Mere in […]

What Are The Top 7 Benefits of Car Window Tinting

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7 Benefits of Car Window Tinting When the first auto window tints were introduced in the US, they were not terribly successful. It took automotive companies for many years to perfect their tints, because they needed to test how they would be seen at different temperatures and different light intensities. Eventually, however, they realized that […]

Paint Protection Film and Regular Car Maintenance

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Paint Protection Film Can Truly Help You With Regular Car Maintenance If you own cars that are maintained on a regular basis, it is more important than ever before to take the steps necessary to protect your car’s finish from fading, cracking, and peeling. While you may have heard that applying paint protection film is […]

What’s The Deal With Paint Protection Film

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Paint protection film for cars is a relatively new technology designed to help protect the delicate paintwork of modern day vehicles. But what exactly is paint protection film? How does it work? And most importantly, can it protect the expensive finish on your vehicle’s exterior? Well, these are just some of the questions that this […]

How To Protect My Car’s Finish

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There are plenty of ways to safeguard your car paint from harm. A little knowledge goes a long way. Learn how to protect my car’s finish from damage. One of the biggest enemies of a beautiful car finish is extreme temperatures. Here are a few suggestions for protecting the finish of your car. Sunrays: You […]

Summer Heat Can Make Your Car Unbearable

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The heat of the sun is drying out your dash and seat making them uncomfortable and even damaging them. You can even get some parts fade or crack due to the heat. This is why many people invest in car window film to help reduce the heat that is absorbed by their automobile. There are […]

Main Benefits of Ceramic Window Film For Texas Summers

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Automotive window film offers the ultimate protection for your investment into your car. While automotive window film offers a multitude of benefits, there are also several drawbacks that you should consider before making an investment in it. Most importantly, you must take into consideration the benefits vs. the disadvantages of purchasing this product. Beneficial Benefits: […]